
Recently I had the idea of doing a phonon-based video thumbnail creator for kdelibs.

The last few days I've been trying multiple ways of getting an image of the current playing media, but my attempts of using things like QWidget::render and QPixmap::grabWidget failed -- now it has dawned on me that as the engines don't draw "onto" the VideoWidget directly, that way would never work.

I've also tried using the Phonon::Experimental::VideoDataOutput, but I can't seem to grab the frame correctly, probably the backend I'm using doesn't support it yet (or it really doesn't work yet, seeing as it is in experimental).

After all my failed attempts I thought about asking for some help. Is there a better/proper way of grabbing a frame from a MediaObject? It would be nice if there was a simple way to get a QImage or QPixmap from a frame, but my use-case may be restricted enough that it doesn't make much sense to support directly.

Thanks for your help in advance.
Ivo Anjo