Am Dienstag 28 Dezember 2004 14:38 schrieb Walt H:

> No problem. My changes were just a hack to be able to see and control

> the input volumes of my existing Audigy card. What's the timeline for

> getting the profile based kmix? Would it be wise to use a hack such as

> mine in the interim?

I forgot to answer the "timeline" question. So here it goes:

I see this feature for KDE4. It won't be earlier, because I know how much time I can spare and that a lot has to be done in the backend.

The path is prepared, with introducing the "View" concept and the "MixDeviceWidget" base class.

For development I have a GUI playground, but it is only partially working and it is currently not meant to look beautiful.

It just shows to me, what is possible now (it was hacked in about an hour) and what is still lacking (much).

If you want to take a look:

- Quit kmix

- Put the following line in your kmixrc


- Start KMix again

You will get a 4th Tab, called "Surround", where you can see the 5.1 Volume Sliders arranged in a "Room".

Depending on your soundcard your milage will vary (with a 2.0 soundcard this will still work, but look pretty stupid).
