Package: noatun Version: 2.1.2 (KDE 3.0.6) (using KDE 3.0.6 CVS/CVSup/Snapshot) Severity: normal Installed from: Compiled sources Compiler: GCC 3.1 OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: Not Specified I can playback Ogg 1.0 songs without any problem, using Kaboodle, Noatun or XMMS. But when I have 1.0 open and active om my desktop, the Ogg-files played in Noatun (arts) and Kaboodle (no arts) slow down and have small intermissions. This get worse when moving the mouse. Playing the same files in XMMS with openOffice open: no problem at all. I notice no memory leaks, no noticeable processor usage increase (<3%). The problem does not occur when playing MP3 files, or upon using any other piece of software instead of Openoffice. (Submitted via (Complete bug history is available at _______________________________________________ kde-multimedia mailing list