On 10 May 2010, at 15:39, Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote: > I continue to be positively amazed by the inclusiveness of KDE. However, there > *are* reasons to keep RKWard as an external project. If you really wish to > discuss those, feel free to post to rkward-devel AT lists.sourceforge.net . Fair enough, I'm not going to critique your reasoning, I'm just saying that it's something to consider. > Well, not quite what I had hoped for, but thanks for your assessment! Apologies and thanks :) > Could you still provide some generic instructions on how KDE4/cmake-based > software can be compiled on the mac? After all, properly setting up a build- > environment is the very first step, either way. The generic instructions are: it's the same as compiling on Linux. CMake does all the hard work for you, you might just need to specify some path hints to CMake using, for example, "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/3rdpartysoftware" or something similar on the command-line. There's not really a single reason why things don't "Just Work", there will be a selection ranging from bugs in KDE's Mac support to differing library versions to CMake bugs to path hints being required. Hope this helps! -- Cheers, Mike Arthur http://mikearthur.co.uk _______________________________________________ kde-mac@kde.org List Information: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-mac KDE/Mac Information: http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Projects/KDE_on_Mac_OS_X