On 8 May 2010, at 13:28, Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote: > Some background information: > - RKWard is based on KDE4, but is not developed in KDE's SVN (see the above > wiki page) That's going to make it pretty hard for KDE people to be able to contribute fixes. It's SVN as well, right? > - Our sources contain some X11-specific code, that is not yet ported to the > Mac. Thus I suppose we will need to use an x11-flavored KDE-installation. As > far as I can see, macports does not provide that, but fink does. KDE/X11 on Mac is truly horrible to use. I'd be surprised if anyone using KDE on Mac will use it. The X11 environment is just unpleasant to use, it breaks a lot of the window management stuff that Mac users expect to work. I wouldn't say it's ported to Mac until it will compile with Qt4/Cocoa rather than Qt4/X11. > - Successful compilation will also require an installation of R (http://www.r- > project.org). I do fear that the cmake-code checking for R may also need > adjustments, but at the moment we do not even get to this point. Yeh, the CMake might need fixed but it can be manually pointed to R fairly easily. > If you are interested to read about our failed efforts so far, see this mail- > thread: > http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=4BE191E3.30603%40unil.ch&forum_name=rkward- > users . But in short, the question is: Could you please tell us what we need > to correct in our instructions? 1) Port out the X11 code 2) Fix the CMake code with the needed paths 3) Make a Fink and Macports package rather than getting users to compile manually. To be honest, I wouldn't try and support Mac until one of your developers has access to one or one of your community volunteers to fix the above. Hope this helps! -- Cheers, Mike Arthur http://mikearthur.co.uk _______________________________________________ kde-mac@kde.org List Information: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-mac KDE/Mac Information: http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Projects/KDE_on_Mac_OS_X