On Tue, 4 Jul 2000, Rik Hemsley wrote: > #if Steven D'Aprano > > I was making the point that Style A is difficult to read. I realise > > I'm not a member of the self-appointed committee that came up with the > > rules of the Chicago Style Manual, but I know what I like, and Style A > > isn't it. Capitals should be used only where gramatically required, > > and arguably for emphasis (although its difficult to imagine a case > > where you need to emphasise a label), and not just to follow some > > rules just because they are in a manual. > > We don't even need to use capital letters For Emphasis. > > Labels take rich text, so you can just markup what needs it. Sure, italic/bold/red/blinking text is VERY readable... *ahem* > Much better for i18n too ! How so? A message to translate is a message to translate... Please read Tom's mail, it much more eloquently sums up what we need IMNSHO :) bye, Peter