#if Marko Samastur > Once for a change, I'll try to be very brief :) Me too. > Rik Hemsley wrote: > > > > > Dynamic menus can be treated this way: the program tells the > > > menucontroller (kaction?) to create the according menu which will be > > > expanded with the dynamic items before shown. > > > > Ok. That's quite a lot of configurability. > > Considering that about 0.1% of users will actually be bothered enough > > to change their menu and toolbars, perhaps we should just let them > > edit the XML as they can currently ? > > I'd just like to add a warning about this obsessivness with > configurability. I think this is one of the problems with Windows > environment, which often gives you twelve ways of doing things, but none > good. Right. There's something to be said for concentrating development efforts on truly worthwhile features, such as our office apps, stability, interoperability, etc. Configurability should really be an afterthought. Design the thing well in the first place and worry about the small proportion of users who want things to work a certain way later. Rik