On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Waldo Bastian wrote: > Hiya, Hi! [...] > SDI implementations (I) > In SDI the application is represented by the document-window. Each > document-window always contains a single document. [...] > Closing the document by selecting Close in the File-menu also closes > the application. Hmm, this sounds somewhat static and unflexible to me; it's probably useable for very little projects only (kEdit v2 or something...) but I'd expect a application to stay alive when I close the document I'm currently working on. In the end, it's just my personal taste. > SDI implementations (II) > In SDI the application is represented by the document-window. Each > document-window can contain a single document. > > Starting up an SDI application without specifying a document to load > causes the application to start with a dummy document. Although the idea of a "dummy-document" sounds somehow uncomfortable to me, this is the way I'd expect a document oriented application to work. > Editing a dummy document turns it into a normal document. Uh - oh! So what exactly is a "dummy document"? > > Closing the application by selecting Quit in the File-menu, closes > the document-window and the document within it. Closing the > document-window by selecting the X on the window border is equivalent > with selecting Quit in the File-menu. Absolutely fine to me! > Please note that closing the > application does not necaserilly mean terminating the UNIX process, > more applications instances may be served by the same UNIX process. > They are unaffected! I guess I need a little help - the UNIX process acts as a server for the application but how do I start this process?? Is it started automagically when I load the app the first time? Confusing stuff, really... Anyway... bye! - Frerich