I'm glad to announce, that the promising "KDE user interface standards"-project seems to die. After 2 months of discussing and creating the new standards-page on http://www.esh.uni-linz.ac.at/~mother/hci/basics/index.html there seems to be no chance to find a common line in some threads. Especially for the Close/Exit-topic it's hard to find a common line which is ok for all users. There are always people who want their OS/2, MsWindows or whatever-behaviour for KDE. It's easy to critizize the current site, but to 99% there is no solution given by these people. Because I don't have the time and nerves to discuss 3 hours a day, I'll stop my work on the standard-pages and hope there'll be a person/some persons, who like to continue this work. You can download a tarball of the page on the index-page. Feel free to improve the standards and discuss it in the lists. I hope somebody will continue this project - I think good User Interface Standards are one of the most important things for a Desktop. KDE is a very good Desktop - I hope it'll be the BEST Desktop ever with KDE2.0 and consistent UI standards. Thanks to all people who helped me with this project!!!! Sorry that I give up, but currently I'm finishing my diploma thesis and my time is rare... Peter