--------------030601020006030502080208 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Kmail has an excellent icon, and I don't think we need replacement for default one (one of the best application icons we have). But, many people like to experiment, so I would recommend that you upload your icon to http://www.kde-look.org and see reaction. I don't know if your icon looks like MacOSX mail icon, and if it is true you will have great response there. People are crazy about Windows or MacOSX look & feel. If you are interested in creating icons for kde subscribe also to kde-artists mailing list :) Regards, antialias Edoardo Causarano wrote: >Hi there, how 'bout something like this for the KMail icon? >If I had an envelope clipart I could finish the job... >I have to give www.phong.com credit for the excellent tutorials. > >Edo > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > --------------030601020006030502080208--