From kde-linux Fri Oct 27 02:08:43 2006 From: " - Network Operations Centre" Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 02:08:43 +0000 To: kde-linux Subject: [kde-linux] Manually verifying file integrity Message-Id: <1161914923.9089.15.camel () multivac-2 ! aphofis ! com> X-MARC-Message: MIME-Version: 1 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--===============0406260485==" --===============0406260485== Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=sha1; protocol="application/x-pkcs7-signature"; boundary="=-XKJQ84dL096y6MG783zN" --=-XKJQ84dL096y6MG783zN Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=-8FIkJiMvrfrLOSZQvhb7" --=-8FIkJiMvrfrLOSZQvhb7 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In DOS there was the ability to verify a singular files integrity by using chkdsk c:/file.dos......The result indicated if the file integrity was so. There was also the ability to set in the Autoexec.bat set verify=3DON - which made sure that EVERY file that you copied you did not need to use the verify option C:\file.dos C:\temp\file.dos /v=20 My questions are=20 1. Is there a global set verify=3Don in Linux? 2. Is there the ability to verify a single files integrity as above with a similar command such as chkdsk The reason I ask is that I recently lost my home directory and I had KDAR backing up the /home directory every week to an NFS drive. When I came to restore the archive the files header was reported to be corrupted. Also as a backup I copied with Konqueror the /home directory to an NFS drive and some of the files are aslo now not readable due corruption. I have made an Enhancement report to both Konqueror and KDAR that they include a verify option like most backup programs. Over many years I have seen backups unable to be restored because verify was not turned on. Now its happened to me.I understand the file system in Linux is far superior in its disk I/O but I dont want to waste time backing up if I cannot ensure the files are intact. Scott Couston Nework Operations Centre - --=-8FIkJiMvrfrLOSZQvhb7 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In DOS there was the ability to verify a singular files integrity by using = chkdsk c:/file.dos......The result indicated if the file integrity was so.<= BR> There was also the ability to set in the Autoexec.bat set verify=3DON - whi= ch made sure that EVERY file that you copied you did not need to use the ve= rify option C:\file.dos C:\temp\file.dos /v

My questions are
1. Is there a global set verify=3Don in Linux?
2. Is there the ability to verify a single files integrity as above with a = similar command such as chkdsk

The reason I ask is that I recently lost my home directory and I had KDAR b= acking up the /home directory every week to an NFS drive. When I came to re= store the archive the files header was reported to be corrupted. Also as a = backup I copied with Konqueror the /home directory to an NFS drive and some= of the files are aslo now not readable due corruption.

I have made an Enhancement report to both Konqueror and KDAR that they incl= ude a verify option like most backup programs. Over many years I have seen = backups unable to be restored because verify was not turned on. Now its hap= pened to me.I understand the file system in Linux is far superior in its di= sk I/O but I dont want to waste time backing up if I cannot ensure the file= s are intact.

Scott Couston
Nework Operations Centre -
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