My favorite bookmark solution is Sitebar. It runs in an Apache/MySQL/PHP environment, which may be more overhead than you're looking for. But it's very dynamic. You can add categories and sub-categories on the fly. And there's a Javascript link that makes it easy to add new links. It can be used as a Web page or as a side panel app. I use mine in Konqueror's side panel. I couldn't live without it. In my opinion, the bookmark handling built into all browsers, including Konqueror, really stinks. Anyway, Sitebar is the best thing out there. Check it out at:

On Sunday 03 July 2005 12:59 pm, Benjamin Sher wrote:

> Dear friends:


> I have a Russian Index created from Netscape bookmarks at:




> Does anyone know of any such program available for Linux (KDE, Gnome, X,

> even command line)? I don't mean that it has to be identical to the one

> above but that is must be able to convert bookmarks to a nicely

> organized web page? Would be even better if it were dynamic so I

> wouldn't have to update it every time I add or delete an entry but a

> static version would be acceptable too.


> Thank you so much.


> Benjamin



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