Hi, I'm using Linux and KDE on my Notebook. I do several tasks with it, and I'm very pleased that Linux and KDE exist. Unfortunately, I'm not glad with the file bindings of konqueror. The main reason for this is, that konqueror as a web browser always uses the same file bindings as konqueror as a file manager. * When I tell konqui to open jpg files with my favorite image viewer, konqui also opens jpgs on web pages with the image viewer. * When I tell konqui to always open text files in my favorite text editor, also text files on the web are opened with the text editor instead showing them inline in konqui. * When I try to assign my favorite HTML-editor to open local html files, also on the web HTML pages are shown in the editor but in line. * When I try tho connect kpackage with rpm files, also klicking rpm files on the web doesn't offer to download them to disk but puts the rpm to the cache and then opens it in kpackage. Worse, because many links to rpm files are not direct links which one could right click and save as but links to a script which then delivers the file, so save as cannot be performed. Further more, I do not like konqui to always show as many files as possible inline but opening my favorite editor. Clicking files like images, text, calendar - everything is shown in line. So, I have the following possibilities: * Leaving the file bindings as they are delivered with KDE and opening local files always using right click - open with. Very unconvenient * alternatively, open local files from a terminal using $APPNAME $FILETOOPEN * Changing the file bindings as I like to have them and then never more using konqui as a web browser because of the broken file bindings. Using mozilla instead. But I'd like to use konqui also for browsing, not only as a file manager * creating a second user and starting a second KDE session only for web browsing. This is very unconvenient So, how do you handle your local files? Are you pleased the way KDE handles them, or would you also like to behave konqueror web browser different as in file managing mode? Please let me know what you think about this issue. Gruß / regards ce ====== Jabber: HomoSapientz@jabber.org SuSE 8.0 on a Dell Inspiron 8200: http://home.t-online.de/home/mchristoph.eckert/inspiron8200/ ====== ___________________________________________________ This message is from the kde-linux mailing list. Account management: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-linux. Archives: http://lists.kde.org/. More info: http://www.kde.org/faq.html.