On Sat, 2006-01-07 at 17:36 +0100, Markus Büchele wrote:> Hi, > > I encountered the same problem as in your previous posts about the unsaveable > menu chages in kiosk.> > I tried Jonathan Riddell's patch on my gentoo system and recompiled kiosk > manually. It didn't change anything.> > Is this a bug (couldn't find any at bugs.kde.org) or am I just unable to > configure it properly? Any help? What happens? Does it refuse the save it, or when you log in it doesn'tshow your changes? If it's not showing the changes there is an easyfix. Delete the file /etc/xdg/menus/kde-applications.menu. _______________________________________________kde-kiosk mailing listkde-kiosk@kde.orghttps://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-kiosk