Am Mittwoch, 4. April 2001 01:56 schrieb Mark W.Webb: Hi Mark, > Hello, I am interested in doing some work for the kimageshop project. I > have been playing around with kde/Qt development for a month or two. I > have been writing java professionally for about 3 years, and did about 2 > years of C++ before that, and am looking to get back into doing some C/C++. > I would probably be better off doing some small coding stuff at first. Welcome aboad :) I guess there are many areas in krayon (formerly kimageshop) which could need a helping hand (well, there's lots to do to compete with Gimp :) > Is CVS the only way to get the code right now? Is there a RPM? What is > the environment used to develop kimageshop? I have been using Kdevelop > 1.4. You can get daily snapshots as tarballs from, but it's a lot easier to let CVS care about patches and changes from multiple people. Just set CVSROOT correctly and cvs -z6 co koffice; make -f Makefile.cvs; ../configure; make and you are ready. You're free to use any development environment [or editor] you like. If you ask for a kdevelop project file, I'm afraid there might be none. Many people still simply work with a texteditor like vi or emacs :) If you want your patches to be committed to the repository, you could either send them to this mailinglist in the beginning or ask for a CVS account. Happy hacking, Carsten Pfeiffer _______________________________________________ Kimageshop mailing list