Hello Torp, I'm glad to hear that a team is gathering for the development of KImageShop. I would love to be involved with this project. Specifically, I could provide valuable input on user interface and useability issues. I'm a software developer, but also work in Gimp for many hours each week doing web and user interface design. Is the project based on Gimp source? It should be. Gimp's user interface can be thrown in the trash (it is garbage) but the engine is really strong. I hate to keep griping about Gimp, but there are major useability issues that have never been addressed. The world needs less plug-ins and gee-whiz features, and a more intuitive user interface so more work can be accomplished more pleasingly. I could do with about 1/10th the mouse clicks and context sensitive menus that Gimp forces upon me. I threw out some possible names earlier. One is KIXEL, which I happen to like in that it is easy to remember and also favors digital design over print design. Other names that excite me are KPIX, KDESIGNER, KBRUSH, KANVAS, KPALETTE etc. I used to hate the "K" thing but am warming up to it :). All the best, Sean. -- Digital Spinner, Inc. 802.948.2020 sean@digitalspinner.com _______________________________________________ Kimageshop mailing list Kimageshop@master.kde.org http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kimageshop