Hi everyone, I've committed some updates to the canvas which allow for non-bounded and sparse layers. Currently on the test image set you get some interesting effects when you paint outside the test images. This is because these images don't have alpha channels. There is no point in fixing it at the moment as I plan change the way the image data is stored and how it relates to the alpha channel. It would be nice if someone would implement the concept of temporary tools. Ie tools that activate while you hold down a particular key. For example holding down SPACE puts you into layer drag mode but reverts to the previous tool when you release it. Qt2.0 has the wonderful QKeyEvent.isAutoRepeat() which will make this task possible for non-modifier keys. I LIKE this feature in PS and miss it already - even with only two tools! 16bits - This colour mode is not easy to implement with out a huge speed and/or memory sacrifice if I don't want to have to implement everything twice in the canvas. HOWEVER, because of the object approach to the canvas we SHOULD be able to have 16bit colour with relative ease at some later stage (maybe by making the canvas class a template and then using a wrapper). It will be kept in mind. BTW: I really don't like the way the various tool dialogs are restricted to be inside the main window. It makes it very hard to organize your desktop. Can this be turned off? Keep up the good work, Andrew ======