Sorry for the late reply... I wanted to give my two cents since I'm on the other end of pacific. :)

Looking at the timezone converter, it seems like it's going to be practically impossible to find a suitable meeting time for everyone on the team.
The current meeting already falls at 2:00am for you.
And earlier would be a real pain for me since the meeting is already at 7:00am UTC-8.
If anything, it seems like shifting the meeting an hour later would be our current best compromise now that Dmitry has moved a couple timezones west. (But that's still in the middle of the night for you...)

So I agree with Halla. It's probably better for you to just forgo the regular weekly meetings and to just mail a short weekly report to the mailing list.
Hopefully that won't be too isolating for you, but otherwise I think it's just impossible to find a time that will suit everybody. :\


On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 7:02 AM Halla Rempt <> wrote:
On dinsdag 28 februari 2023 07:57:35 CET Sharaf Zaman wrote:

> Finally the question: since the timezone I’m in currently is GMT+11:00, it makes
> it very hard to work out a good meeting time, the current time CET 16:00 falls
> at 02:00AM for me. And if we pull the meeting time earlier, it would be too
> early for Emmet, ivanyossi. So what do you guys think would be a good solution?

For now, maybe update the meeting document when you _are_ awake? Or mail the list your update, and things you have questions about, then check the meeting document, and answer questions we have for you in-line, and mail the list to notify that there are answers.
