Could you give a vague indication what needs testing for no 3? (the patches from probono)

OSX: yay

Windows: eek :/

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On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Boudewijn Rempt <> wrote:
Since we decided to change to a six week release schedule for 3.0.1 and base 3.0.1 on Master, I've tried to make updated build environments for creating dev builds during the release process. Here is what is still missing:

* The video-export-rebased branch is still in development. When it's done, packaging-wise adding ffmpeg to the
OSX and Windows builds needs to be done, as well as adding a way to configure a local ffmpeg binary

* Linux: I haven't made a no-openmp appimage yet. Maybe the new appimage runs fine on Ubuntu 12.02, that's possible since it uses the toolset-3 compiler, instead of one I built myself. We also should schedule time to create working x86 appimages

* Linux: I've tried to integrate the desktop integration patches Probono sent me, but I probably messed this up. This needs looking into.

* OSX: everything works, except for poppler, openjpeg and g'mic. 10.10 is now supported. We still need to fix the opengl issues, of course

* Windows: Vc: the 1.2 patch for building with mingw didn't work when building from MXE, so I had to hard-code the fix there. That needs to be done properly, both in the mxe fork we use and in the ext_vc build.

* Windows: there is no x86 build yet, I didn't build on Windows itself yet using mingw (but setup a vm for that). There is no installer for the dev builds. OpenJpeg is still broken.

* Windows: on windows, a patch to extra-cmake-modules means that most stuff is now installed to bin/data instead of share. This might give problems, and when packaging, we need to copy the bin/data/krita to share/krita folder

* Windws: the bash scripts that make the zips are very dumb and need refactoring.

* Release scripts: we need to collect and update our release scripts so we can make a tarball with the languages included. Cyrille, can you remind me where those scripts are stored at the moment?

* CMake system: we need to add the build settings that create the final language files from the translation source files and place them in the right place when building from a released source tarball.

Release Schedule:

I realize we didn't post this to the mailing list. Here is the schedule:

There will also be reminders whenever the the process moves to the next phase. We probably should have cute names from the stages, preferably not derived from global war games...

I hope I didn't forget anything...

Boudewijn Rempt |,
Krita mailing list
