It doesn't have to be D&D, that was just an example of how it could be done. A pop-up panel where you can decide what widgets to add is fine too. Would it be impossible to add mini-curves?

There's the question of how to handle different brush engines though. Maybe have a drop-down allowing you to pick different presets for the docker, as well as an option to link specific presets to specific tools.

From: Boudewijn Rempt <>
To: Krita's developers and users mailing list <>
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: Some UX nightmares that may come up.

On Fri, 10 Apr 2015, Valerie wrote:

> How about custom dockers (if technically feasible)?
> You drag and drop smaller versions of whatever is in the main brush control panel into a custom docker: sliders, curves, checkboxes, etc. I remember someone asking for a docker with sliders and such because
> he often tweaks smaller settings on the fly (in MyPaint). With a custom docker, users can decide what they need on their own. I can imagine tablet users regularly tweaking the pressure curve, for example.
> It'll be brush-engine dependent, so changing the brush engine being used changes the custom settings available (like with tool options).

A subset of the idea is feasible: a docker with a user-defined set of
sliders and other widgets. D&D of widgets from the brush editor to a
docker, well, that's going to be really challenging to code, and
especially to make robust.


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