On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Boudewijn Rempt <boud@valdyas.org> wrote:
We had a Krita Sprint in Deventer this weekend, and here's the notes from the Saturday morning meeting. We discussed a bunch of things, some relevant for Calligra as a whole, so I'm sending the notes to two mailing lists.

* Krita Foundation

The Krita Foundation currently has about 7000 euros to sponsor development with. We're going to do a big fundraiser really soon, too, the kickstarter project page is nearly done.

The new splash screen helps a lot: one-off donations are seriously up already.

* 2.9 and 3.0

We would like 2.9 to be the last Qt4-based release. A precondition for this release is merging the Model-View-Controller branch (because that is a huge refactoring that makes porting easier). 2.9 will also have loads of interesting stuff for users to be happy while we port to Qt5.

We think that the 3.0 release should be as pure a port to Qt5 as possible. No new features, just porting as quickly and purely as possible, release and then go on with 3.1 (where we might want to start using the new OpenGL framework from Qt5, btw).

From previous experience with the sailfish qt5 branch, it would be a good thing to close master for a week while a volunteer does the mechanical parts of porting in one go: sanitizing, search and replace and all that sort of thing. After that effort is done, we can all pitch in and start fixing problems.

It should be doable to port to Qt5 in just 3 months, which leaves us with two options:

        * release the pure port as 3.0 when it's done, then go and work on new stuff.
        * after the port is done, go on doing stuff until it's time for the regular release.

* KF5

For Krita and calligra-libs, limiting our KF5 dependencies to Tier1 (karchive, k18n, kconfig, extra-cmake-modules) makes a lot of sense.

* MVC branch

We're afraid we're going to run into a brick wall here. The MVC branch is a _big_ refactoring, and basically touches every Calligra application except for Kexi (because Kexi doesn't use the Calligra platform libraries).

It isn't feasible for the Krita team to port all Calligra applications, and many of our applications are unmaintained. As far as we can see, there are three options:

* everyone chipping in to fix applications to work with mvc
* removing broken, unmaintained applications
* forking the calligra platform applications and make them krita-specific, which would sort of put Krita on the same footing as Kexi.

I'm in favor of option 3. We make a fork of the required parts and when the other applications are ready they can be ported to the new stuff. Might be better to give it a test run in Krita first before pushing it into the other applications.