Hey good idea. 
I searched last year about CSS based keyboard , for another project and I still had the bookmarks, so here is a share that might help :
I tryed this one ; lake of numpad, but looking good for only CSS ; https://github.com/suth/jKeyboard  ( http://i.imgur.com/Dzt9GKT.jpg )

Good luck with it !


On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 8:22 AM, Boudewijn Rempt <boud@valdyas.org> wrote:
On Thursday 08 August 2013 Aug 23:54:42 Yuri Fidelis wrote:
> Hey, for anyone who cares about shortcuts, and overall better
> productivity...
> I found this thing:
> http://www.tomaxxi.com/content/shortcuts_guide/
> I think it would be very nice to have something like this for Krita, easily
> accesible from the main website.
> It would be even better if it has a list on the side with functions you can
> mouse over and it shows the key combination on the keyboard.
> I think I could do this when I have some spare time, just tell me if
> anyone's interested.

Oh, that would be awesome!

Boudewijn Rempt
http://www.valdyas.org, http://www.krita.org, http://www.boudewijnrempt.nl

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