looks really cool and a time saver. Animtim's image is a good example to show btw

2013/6/18 Timothée Giet <animtim@gmail.com>
Hi Silvio,

Yes, it started as a few days ago I asked on Krita irc for a lazy-brush like feature, and deevad told me there was something very similar already in g'mic, so he asked David Tschumperlé for a modified version for coloring.
Then today David Tschumperlé came to ask for testing it on irc, so I spent some time testing it and discussing with him to make it even better to fit my workflow, which it does now. I'm so happy, and now even more waiting for Lukas work to integrate gmic..

2013/6/18 silvio grosso <grossosilvio@yahoo.it>
Hi everyone,

This message is a bit off-topic (sorry about that...).

David Tschumperlé has just coded a new super-cool filter (Colorize comics):

Since Lukas plans to port most G'MIC filters to Krita (version 2.8 or later), there is a new artistic filter to take on board  :-)

Best regards,

Silvio Grosso

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