On 01/27/12 23:02, Enrico Guarnieri wrote:
2012/1/27 David Revoy <davidrevoy@gmail.com>
@Enrico :
I'm curious to know the effect you look for in your description "a brush-mixer for pulling, pushing, mixing the colors and painting at the same time" . Pull and Push at the same time are a bit paradoxal , or I don't get it. Have you a video of the effect ? Nice wish list, by the way.

Sorry, my bad. ^^ Obviously, pulling OR pushing AND mixing the colors at the same time.
It's a bit hard to show: 

Mypaint has something similar, but doesn't "drag" and mix the colors together with the brush movement; so the feeling and the result are radically different.
Thanks for the video. Now I see better. It looks 'soft' and 'creamy' brush. The smudge looks to be applied to the whole brush at first and color rate to income very fast after.

I think you already tryed to make it via the setting of Krita yourself, as I know you are talented at brush creation.
But here I tested too and obtained that as a result :
here is the kpp : http://www.davidrevoy.com/XYZ/2012-01-28_semi%20wet%20brush-krita-preset.zip
Maybe it can help for the moment.

• Merge visible layers, Copy visible, Open as layers. (=Gimp)
Open as layers => Layer > New > Insert image as layer
Copy visible => Edit > Copy merged

Ok for "insert image as layer", thanks ^^, but after creating many layers "copy merged" is always grayed out for me. :-(
The last sounds like a bug :/