I'm available any day outside of March. I need time to get a VISA unless it's less complex than getting one for the USA, the latter needing months in advance.

2011/1/28 Timothée Giet <animtim@gmail.com>
I'm available anytime in first half 2011 for this.


2011/1/28 Lukast dev <lukast.dev@gmail.com>

Hello guys,

we want to meet again this year for the biggest Krita event - Krita Sprint 2011.
We discussed the meeting place and we ended up with two possibilities.

a) First one is to have our sprint in the Blender Institute.
I mailed Ton about the possibility and he is asking about the more
fine-grained date, as he is being quite busy and information like
first half of 2011 is not enough for him.

b) Second possibility is the Linuxhotel in Essen.
They have weekends open but we have to let them know in few weeks in advance.

The question for all of you is when are you available? At least
roughly! Please speak up
if you intend to participate.

KDE e.v. support the sprints, so if we manage to get approval,
travel expenses and hotel is covered.


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