Very cool, I've been waiting for someone to do this ! d^^b
(I did a feature request in the bugtracker here
The description was not very clear but this is exactly what it was about)

2011/1/15 Silvio Heinrich <>
On 01/15/2011 03:23 PM, Timothée Giet wrote:
"Do you mean when you have several other layer and you create a new layer on top of them and paint
on the new layer, then the combined transparency (alpha channels) of the layers under the new layer
is copied to the new layer and the color is used from the brush?
If you mean this, it would actually be a cool idea. Would be pretty useful (at least for me :D), but this is not really
a blending mode (i mean, yes it somehow is but not really :D). I think the brush code would need some modifications for that. Can you tell me a program that support this (so i can try it out). I haven't found something like this in Gimp or Photoshop."

That's the idea, but exactly "the combined transparency (alpha channels) of the layers under the new layer" is not "copied"  to the new layer, you still paint on the whole page, as with any other layer blend mode (meaning if you turn it back to Normal blend mode the "blend effect" disapear…)

I use this painting/layer blend mode on TVPaint (the best commercial Painting application to me ;) )
(There was an open beta for Linux but it was usable until January 1st, I don't think there is a new one yet. If you can try the win or mac demo)

Also this blend mode is in Open Source app SYNFIG STUDIO !!! it's a vector program but the Onto mode is there (with a few original useful others, like Straight and Straight Onto…)
Look at here:

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Ah... ok... now i understand. This mode is meant for layer compositing.
I see how it works. It would be no problem to add this blend mode.
When/if i get a developer account and everything is all right with the "blending modes" patch so
it can be applied, I can add this mode... would only take a few minutes :)

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