Keep in mind that with double-paintdevice we iterate twice, and can't use
KisRectIterator but have to use the much slower KisH/VLineIterator (until they
are fixed to cache tiles, but I am rather sure the Rect one will remains

Hm.. Maybe you are right, though i don't understand you fully =)

If you have a single-paintdevice system, nevertheless you have to create _two_ iterators: one for read and one for write, what is the difference with double-paintdevice system? Could you explain it a bit more?

And I also said that we need to investigate making copy cheaper, with for
instance copy-on-write tiles for when you clone paint device, but could
probably be usefull when bitBlting a copy. So the 2nd, could just be made by
having a PaintDevice pointing to the old tiles, and I expect that operation to
be reasonnably cheap.

Ermm.. That is exactly the thing i was writing two letters above :)

We can't make it infinitely cheaper, because _creation_ of a datamanager object is quite expensive operation itself (because of initial creation of a hash table (see two letters above)).

Adding shared tiles to a bitBlt operation is an extremely good idea, but it should take into account colorspaces. Do you have an idea how to solve this?
(we could discuss it on sprint)

I have been a strong advocate of the src/dst API, based on the assumption that
copying was expensive, and that for features such as masks or paint with filter
the copying would be a burden. But now, based on the experience we have build
with that API, I see significant drawback:
1) not possible to use KisRectIterator

Isn't it possible to fix KisRectIterator instead?

2) double the number of tiles retrieval (or even mutliply the number of
retrieval by 2*64 for the current non optimized KisH/VLineIterator)

How is it connected to an API? Could you explain?
3) confusing API, since iterators already include a src/dst mechanism with the
oldRawData/rawData functions, and as we can see it, making filters work
correctly with that API is quiet difficult

oldRawData/rawData are not src/dst really. They are oldRawData and rawData actually! :)

The drawback of having single-src:
1) the need to first copy the data

But if copy get cheap, and I trully think it can be cheap, then I think we can
get significant improvement. Both API and performance wise.

Please read above.
But in this very case, cheap copy would help, because we already create additional paintDevice nevertheless.

Dmitry Kazakov