Cyrille Berger wrote: > On Saturday 26 September 2009, Sven Langkamp wrote: > >> At the moment there is a fundamental difference between Gimp/Photoshop and >> Krita in the way we see masks. In both cases we have and (8-bit) one >> channel paint device, so not a technical difference. >> The actual difference is how these channel is interpreted: In >> Gimp/Photoshop is a grayscale representation while in Krita it's an alpha >> representation. >> >> The grayscale way is probably what most artists are used too, even if the >> meaning of black and white is arbitary. The advantage is that it match good >> with gradient and fill. >> >> The way Krita uses is closer to the physical representation either there is >> something (color) or you can look through it. The problem that Dmitry >> descibes is that the only way to "paint" transparency is the eraser tool in >> Krita, which might be unusual for users form other editors. The bigger >> problem is that you e.g. can't use a transparent color in the fill tool. >> >> I hope that's the correctly summarizes it. >> > Ok now I get the problem. > > First, I will restate that I don't like the use of color for transparancy: > > >> I can't remember which color is used usually (e.g. in a "well known >> graphical editor"). I guess, when we paint with white paint the image >> becomes opaque, when we paint with black paint - becomes transparent, with >> gray color - becomes semi-transparent. >> > > That's exatly my problem with using color. From a technical point of view, it > makes sense to have black==transparent == 0, white == opaque == 255. But I > don't see how it can have sense for an user (and from my point of view, > because photoshop does it isn't a valid answer, we are not aiming at cloning > all its broken behaviour, if it's good lets use it, otherwise lets innovate). > > If one day Krita use a node system, it'll make sense for the user too. Then at any moment he will be able to use a greyscale image as mask, channel or layer. Data and effect would be clearly separated then. Now the problem is that in the current state, both can be conflicting. If I see brushes as transparency, I won't understand why my black opaque brush don't draw anything while it IS opaque.And that's my main problem with Photoshop: You can use both eraser/paint and opacity to set the transparency. I tend to use black/white..but only because it's easier to switch between black/white with one keyboard shortcut, than eraser/paint tools with two differents keys :P. Maybe it would be better to separate greyscale and transparency in two differents mask modes ? > Maybe we should reinvestigate the whole transparancy with the color selector > thing. We had that debate see [1] and [2] (around 18:38 in the log). > Before I didn't really care, but now I really think opacity should be merged with color selectors. I don't see any problems from an user point of view. That would finally allow us to use color selectors for shapes (and Karbon badly need a real one too), that would save the size of a docker and unify the UI between apps.So many advantages.. that is worth a big ugly hack :p > In our previous discutions on the subject we considered that the choice > between transparancy and opacity was wether to put the choice in the tool or > in the color selector. But what if, actually, we need both. Because currently, > the opacity is mainly used to control how much of the color is mixed. While > the transparancy in the color selector could be used to paint with transparent > color, either on a layer (either for filling or not), or on a selection. > > I am trying to think about the math for that, and also about wether it would > make sense for an user, and we would probably have to rethink about the > "opacity" label, to make it have more sense. > I often had the need for an "absolute" opacity setting for paint layers :). But I'd see it more as two composite modes : - one that only replace the pixel transparency with opacity and keep the existing pixel color (example: make that liquid more transparent, but keep it green even if my brush is red). - and one that would replace the pixel transparency and color with absolute values set in the color selector (example: replace grey metal by blue water). > [1] > > [2] > > _______________________________________________ kimageshop mailing list