On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Sven Langkamp <sven.langkamp@gmail.com> wrote:

There is a native mac os x version, although I'm not sure if that is packaged.

Krita currently isn't ready to manage such an amout of data yet. There is work in progress to further improve on that, but it will take a bit to be available.
For now I wouldn't recommend to use Krita in this megapixel/gigabyte range.

thanks for the update, Sven,

I'll keep an eye on the list and maybe give Krita a try later.   

I provided some sample data a while back, but I think it was before I got the 5D Mk ii - so if  stack of 21mp images blended the way I usually do in my work is useful for testing, let me know.


Warren Baird - Photographer and Digital Artist