> Ksuite-graphic > Ksuite-visual The Ksuite Visual sounds nice... though for some reason it makes me think more of multimedia than something that also includes 2D... I've thought of Ksuite Vision, but for some reason that makes me think of a humanitarian mission. :S In the meantime I'm now Completely confused as to what program is supposed to fill what niche. I Really think Open Source would benefit immensely by having everyone sit together and agree on which niche each program is trying to fit in. Consumers like choice, but they also like to know what their choices are supposed to be. The more confusing it all seems, the more they'll shy away from the various possibilities (just look at Blue Ray vs HD DVD). Tell them "This program is a light-weight program for painting, this one is a more complicated and advanced one, this one is best for photo-manipulation) and they'll love you. But make it more complicated and both the users and the developers start sitting on the sidelines. And that's without taking into account the manpower lost to overlapping. *sigh* I'm not saying that we should follow the example of Propriety softwares and limit choices or the likes, but there shouldn't be anything to prevent the various graphics communities to sit down together and agree on who's what. Should there? ____________________________________________________________________________________ Check out the hottest 2008 models today at Yahoo! Autos. http://autos.yahoo.com/new_cars.html _______________________________________________ kimageshop mailing list kimageshop@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kimageshop