On Tuesday 11 September 2007 01:40:41 pm Moritz Moeller wrote: > John Culleton wrote: > > Actually Scribus is execellent at laying out a brochure or a book cover > > but is marginal on actually doing the typesettng of a book. > > Hmm, I found it quite buggy when using it to do a brochure lately. > Definitely not worthy a version number >1 imho. > But I guess it doesn't invalidate Torsten's point. You wouldn't use > KWrite or OpenOffice Writer to do a book either, innit? :) > I typeset and index books, using pdftex, Context, eplain and makeindex, all part of a normal TeX distirubtion. I have KW and OOW plus Abiword as word processors. I used to use them to convert from doc format to e.g., LaTeX or txt format. However "antiword" handles that task adequately for most files. Now I just use them to view the original doc file in case there is some subtle requirement I missed. > > The developers are > > working on a kludge to import LaTeX documents somehow, but what they > > really need to do is incorporate the basic TeX paragraph building > > routines internally like InDesign did. It is more work but it is the > > ultimate satisfactory solution. > > I couldn't agree more. :) > > > Getting back to Krita, if there were a convenient way to upgrade it on my > > Slack 12 partition I would be happy as a clam. But if there is such a way > > it is well hid. Krita is a young product, and each new version will > > bring major improvements. > > May I suggest you try Gentoo on your Slackware partition. :] Since you > are comfy with Slackware/building from source. It took me 15 minutes to > write an ebuild for Krita 2.0 (based on the Krita 1.6. one which is in > Gentoo already). > I struggled to install Gentoo twice recently and got the thing installed but ran into a problem with the internet connection that I could never solve. I may try again after I get a customer job out of the way. Work before play :<) > That ebuild fetches from SVN, so I can just bump by copying the ebuild > file to a new version, type 'emerge krita' e voila. :) > > There are well maintained ebuilds for Inkscape, Scribus, Gimp etc. > Including the option to select a particular version or always use most > bleeding edge one. > > > .mm -- John Culleton http://wexfordpress.com http://wexfordpress.com/tex/shortlist.pdf _______________________________________________ kimageshop mailing list kimageshop@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kimageshop