Cyrille Berger wrote: > I don't understand what you mean :) Or did you mean hide the left dockers to > only show the filters widgets ? I think I thought of something like that at > some point, but the problem is that some of the dockers are still usefull, > like the list of layers or the overview docker. > > On the other hand, applying a filter can be made a tool and then the options > of the filter will appears in the tool option. > > I will add those ideas to the wiki. > > I was thinking about something like that. The layers and the Overview Docker don't work when I'm editing the filter options. Is it not the case anymore in Krita 2? Anyway, I think it would be better to have the preview on the canvas and keep the option filter window has vertical has possible. Schleimer, Ben wrote: > > Are you talking about ribbons^C^C^C changable toolbars here? > Ribbons toolbars? Do you have an exemple? > I'd like the opportunity to place a plea for abandoning filters > altogether and going for filter layers instead (basically allowing to > put any filter on an adjustment layer and change it dynamically afterwards). > Filter layers of maybe Filter Group would be really cool! > Still, I also want to keep the ability to actually hard-change the pixels in a > certain layer -- it's a way of working that's very common. > Fully none destructive image editor is far better. It would be a dream to have some kind of mix between after effect (or any other composit apps) and photoshop. I heard that photoshop is going to this direction... Anyway, an Apply button in the option filter dialog to hard change the pixel would be cool too. _______________________________________________ kimageshop mailing list