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List:       kde-kimageshop
Subject:    Re: bicubic interpolating zoom
From:       Michael Thaler <michael.thaler () physik ! tu-muenchen ! de>
Date:       2004-08-16 9:19:38
Message-ID: E1BwdeU-0006da-00 () neo ! t30 ! physik ! tu-muenchen ! de
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On Monday 16 August 2004 11:15, you wrote:
> On Monday 16 August 2004 11:05, Michael Thaler wrote:

> > What information did you extract from the Gimp developers? If it is
> > relevant for scaling images, can you post it to the list?
> I've never gotten information from Gimp developers.

So what did you mean by

> > Success!
> With what?

Extracting information from the Gimp developers.


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