I've just checked in tablet support for the brush tool; it's quite nice, and easier to use than the very broken mouse support. But I'm not handling pressure sensitivity, and, besides, creating and then blitting temporary layers onto the target layer is perhaps a tad too slow for interactive use, even though it is recommended by people with real knowledge. This more or less concludes my holiday hacking on Krita; I've done less than I wanted (perhaps because I also spent time getting dvd-playback working again, and then I spent time getting my tablet working, and, besides, I also did a few afternoons of painting with real oils with my eldest daughter), but what I wanted to achieve is mostly there. -- Boudewijn Rempt | http://www.valdyas.org/index2.html _______________________________________________ kimageshop mailing list kimageshop@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kimageshop