Hi, Thanks to an adjustment in the release schedule, we now have Wednesday (August 1) as the last day for translation commits. Still, today's statistics for several translations are so bad that we would have to drop them if there's no big improvement until the new deadline. The teams in question are: Icelandic (is) Korean (ko) Norwegian (no) Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) Simplified Chinese (zh_CN.GB2312) Traditional Chinese (zh_TW.Big5) (See http://i18n.kde.org/stats/gui/i18n-table-HEAD.html.) I tried to contact most of the maintainers on this already but either got no reply or have not seen the promised improvements so far. So if anybody from these teams is reading this and has any objections as to excluding the respective team please contact me immediately in private mail. I will also, of course, have another look at the statistics before making up the definite list for the release maintainer. As ususal, we expect to have a 2.2.1 release in the near future. So every team gets another chance pretty soon. I'm attaching the present list of languages to be included. Please check carefully. Regards, Thomas (PS: Due to some inconvenient timing another message, based on the old deadline Sunday, 29 July, was posted and CCed earlier. Please disregard if you received it.) az bg (new) ca (on request of maintainer) cs da de el en_GB eo es et fi fr he hu it ja lt lv mt nl no_NY pl pt ro ru sk sl sr sv ta tr uk --- KDE translation: http://i18n.kde.org/ Deutsche KDE-Uebersetzung: http://i18n.kde.org/teams/de/