Dne so 28. duben 2001 17:41 Tamas Szanto napsal(a): Hi Tamas, > 3) Kate doesn't handle ISO-8859-2 chars properly, no > matter what the settings are. The dreaded ? marks appear > instead. It ought to be fixed before the first beta... I fixed this bug about a week ago; could you please check if it still exi= sts,=20 it works fine here. --=20 Regards, Lukas Tinkl | i18n | KDE development --------------------------------------------------------------------- SuSE CR, s.r.o. e-mail: lukas.tinkl@suse.cz | lukas@kde.org Drahobejlova 27 tel:+420 2 8309 5395 190 00 Prague 9 fax:+420 2 8309 5374 Czech Republic http://www.suse.cz