Hi! The only new feature in the new gettext for interest to us (taking you're not using PO-mode in emacs, which got massiv additions) is the handling of plural forms. Unfortunatly this is done in an incompatible way and I don't like the way it works. I'm open for discussions though. I would solve it similiar but still differently. I don't like the incompatiblity in it. It's basicly comes down to (for pl): msgid "" msgstr "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2" msgid "a piece of cake" msgid_plural "%d pieces of cake" msgstr[0] "polish for one" msgstr[1] "polish for %d two,three,four, twenty two..." msgstr[2] "polish for %d the rest of the numbers like five" I find this solution quite translater-unfriendly. The plural forms should go into a description file and should only be an enum of predefined cases (there are limited ways to handle plurals, even if we don't know all from the start) and not be part of every PO file. And I don't like that they extended the format this massivly. It makes it _very_ hard to handle it in tools like kbabel. I would rather go with msgid "_n: a piece of cake\n" "%d pieces of cake" msgstr "polish for one\n" "polish for %d two...\n" "polish for %d the rest" The meaning of the lines is preselected and this of course assumes that plural forms do not contain line feeds, but I think that this is not a wrong assumption. What do you think? Greetings, Stephan -- People in cars cause accidents. Accidents in cars cause people.