On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Hans Petter Bieker wrote: > > Does i18n support in KDE2 already support country-specific papersize > > configuration? And unit of measurement (e.g. cm, inches...)? > I would be happy to implement that, but then we should really discuss > which methods we want before we do that. What do we need? Something like > the below? Big disclaimer: I'm not a programmer. What I would like to see: 1) in the print dialog, the default papersize is gotten by a localization setting. E.g. if my country is "Italy", default papersize is A4. This could even get more complicated: I can set printer-specific defaults (e.g. this printer prints on A4, that one prints on letters). But this is not necessary for a first implementation! 2) in the inputlines, where I must enter a measure (e.g. I could imagine a "borders size: 4cm" in KWord or similar program) I find the measure unit automatically set to "cm" if I live in Italy, inches if I live in USA etc... This could be extended to a new class for inputlines, namely "measure inputlines". The inputline is divided into two parts, the left one for numbers (and it behaves like a regular inputline) and a right part with a dropdown list: Borders size: _____4 | cm + (I'm terrible at ASCII art). On the left of the |, you can type the number; on the right, you can press the + sign and get a list of available units (eg. cm, inches, pixels etc...). The default unit depends on your country. Moreover, if you change from an unit to another the number gets automatically converted. Perhaps some languages need to swap the two parts - this could be difficult to implement (I don't know). This is just not a l10n feature anymore, but I think it could be useful anyway. > class KLocale > { > [..] > enum PaperSize = { A4, Letter /* more */}; > PaperSize KLocale::paperSize() const; Very nice. > QString formatLength(double length, int digits) const; > QString formatSquare(double area, int digits) const; What are these for? Bye. -- Federico Cozzi federico.cozzi@sns.it PGP key: 0xC3B01DEA