,-- On Mon, 22 May, Eric Bischoff wrote: | | I would say yes, please continue using it That is the preferred solution, indeed. | ISOnum: | | so | exists in DocBook. | | But HTML does only know ¦ (broken vertical bar - see | http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html). | | Frederik, can we consider this as a bug in the stylesheets | and forward this to Norman Walsh? Can we do a quick fix? I'm waiting for an answer from Norm. The two quick fixes I see involve either copying a disproportionately large amount of code, or risking to break the printing style sheet. So, I'll wait for Norm's anwer ;-) -- Frederik Fouvry - fouvry@sfs.nphil.uni-tuebingen.de KDE DocBook Team - kde-docbook@master.kde.org