Hi all, Unlike what Mike said, Kshisen documentation has changed once again. I cleaned up the markup. Translators, please use the latest version (revision 1.4 in CVS). What needed to change : - &kshisen; entity was supposed to use the name of the application - should always match the described application's release number (while docbook standard says it is the number of the *documentation*, nothing prevents us from using the same number as the *application*'s release number) - normalized 's format (like 1.02.03) ( is the other one which has to be normalized) - revision histories are of little utility - added redactor's email (no , they are useless in the field) - fixed chapters and section ids (they should use a dash to separate the words, and be lower case) Most of those mistakes were due to the legacy of the automated translation ;-). Many thanks to Dirk Doerflinger for his redaction work. Many thanks to Mike Mc Bride for his huge redaction coordination work. KShisen-sho is the first concrete result. I hope we will see many new English documentations coming next weeks ! :-) -- Éric Bischoff - mailto:ebisch@cybercable.tm.fr __________________________________________________ \^o~_. .~. ______ /( __ ) /V\ Toys story \__ \/ ( V // \\ \__| (__=v /( )\ |\___/ ) ^^-^^ \_____( ) Tux Konqui \__=v __________________________________________________