Hi Sebastià, > >From time to time I've noticed differences between the files get > through cvs (and seen via the web cvs front end) and the ones > published by i18n.kde.org. > The highscore file is different and so are the *.po files. The ones > in i18n.kde.org seem to be the correct ones. Has any other team > experienced the same problem? If so, which is the cause and > how can be solved? The highscore file is created via kde-i18n/Makefile.am. This is done by a huge script which runs (I think daily) and takes about 8 hours to complete (Stephan has a better overview about this, he wrote the script). This script runs on the i18n.kde.org server, and is picked up by a script which runs houry - if the highscore.html file in the CVS directory is newer it add some flavour (links) and creates language specific files and puts them directly onto the i18n server. The CVS.kde.org server is updated -- I think -- when the script is finished, which is appearantly later. The CVSUp severs and the web interface lag further behind [the cvs.kde.org server] (several hours). So that is the reason for (a) the slightly different appearance and (b) the timedifference. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by *.po files. The files on i18n are definitly the same as in CVS (it gets them from there), but they might be newer than on CVSUp or WebCVS. Tobias