Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Xenitellis S ritaši >The URL with online dictionaries that I like is > > > This is actually a very interesting link. Thanks! But, these general purpose dictionaries are not going to cover the vocabulary you need to translate computer software. They are not going to give a meaningful translation of "shell", for example. Also, at least for the Icelandic translation, it is very often that no translation exists for a technical usage of a word and we have to come up with one. In these cases it is very useful to have a lexicon that we edit ourselves to mantain consistency in the translations. BTW, the page has improved quite a bit since I last posted the url ( It is fully usable except that there is no way to delete or modify something already in the database, but this is easily implemented when I don't need to do statistics exercises :-) Logi -- Logi Ragnarsson ( | Some day we all shall be out of scope PGP key IDs: A6D8479D & 42935585 | Sex, Maths & Rock'n'Roll!