KLocale and kcmlocale has been changed to depend on both languages and countries. In the previous versions you only defined the language. This changes allows us to: * define how to format a number * define how to format a number with currency symboles etc * define how to format dates and time. Such functions are now implemented in KLocale. They all depend on the _country_ you select, not the language. To make this work, we need a entry for each supported country in kdebase/l10n. How to add information: * create a directory in kdebase/l10n. The name of the directory is the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code (http://www.tu-berlin.de/zrz/dienste/netz/mail/iso-3166.html) in _lower_ case. * create a file called entry.desktop. See kdebase/l10n/README for information on entry.desktop. * create a flag.png image for the country. * create a .cvsignore file that ignores Makefile and Makefile.in * create a Makefile.am that looks like this: TOPLEVEL_LANG = l10n/countrycode SUBDIRS = $(AUTODIRS) replace countrycode with your country code. * add the country code to kdebase/l10n/Makefile.am Then add and commit all the files you changed. ~BTW: Feel free comment the changes made to kcmlocale. -bieker- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Engineering Cybernetics