Hi everyone, To team leaders : ------------ I'm currently removing some remainder from www/documentation. So please copy what you want to keep to your local disk, I will remove all the national directories (de, es, it, ...) soon, and you may want to keep a copy of your "index.html" to know which docs have already been translated to your language. I have also put replacement pages for index.html, the_team.html and howto-translate.html to accomodate the new organization. You can correct my English if you feel like to. To Stephan : --------- From now on, only en/general docs will remain.... I have seen that there is a new placeholder for translated faq, but what about the user's guide and the quickstart ? Eric -- Hiroshima 45, Tchernobyl 86, Windows 98 Eric Bischoff - mailto:ebisch@cybercable.tm.fr