Le jeu. 28 déc. 2023 à 22:12, Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org> a écrit :
El dimecres, 27 de desembre de 2023, a les 11:13:24 (CET), Benson Muite va
> On 12/27/23 13:07, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > El dimecres, 27 de desembre de 2023, a les 10:20:32 (CET), Benson Muite va
> >
> > escriure:
> >> Would it be possible to get the attached file added to Kolorfill[1,2,3]?
> >
> > kde-i18n-doc does not do that, if you get an answer from kde-l10n-sw,
> > fine,
> > otherwise you may need to become the language coordinator.
> Gracias. Can you or someone else with the power to do so make me
> language coordinator? There are others with better language skills, but
> probably not so much version control skills. Want to also add
> KGeography, KLettres and Blinken.

If you want to become the language committer (given how little sw is
translated I'm going to assume there's none) you must do the things we ask for
people that want to create a new language, i.e.

Translate the files in the kcoreaddons, ki18n, kio and kxmlgui frameworks
because its contents are spread over most KDE applications


Once you have the translations, send them to me.



kcoreaddons was translated by a GCompris translator for kf5 (https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf5/team/sw/kcoreaddons/).
I don't think we asked them to translate more at the time (if I remember correctly, I put both of you in contact Benson).

