Hi, tl;dr - KSokoban got renamed to Skladnik this WE, please update all the translations ([KS/ks]okoban->[S/s]kladnik), both UI & manual, to the new name, no other string changes done recently; strings are frozen in trunk now for release on Nov 20th. The game Skladnik (https://apps.kde.org/skladnik), formerly known as KSokoban, should finally, after more than 15 years of no releases, be rolled out to users again, having idled being ported to Qt5/KF5 quite some time now in the repository (while having even missed out a release at KDE4 times, despite having been a set game in KDE1 - KDE3 times). While the Qt6/KF6 port is also already done, no need to wait for February 2024, but get it already out to users now again, in the year of the 25th anniversary of the initial code commit (1998-08-30). For that purpose I plan to do an initial stand-alone of a version 0.5.0 from master branch (so trunk for translations) Monday CET afternoon in a week, November 30th. A bit short on notice, but there should be more releases soon afterwards, this is just to get releases rolling. Long term the game is candidate for joining KDE Gear, ideally already for 24.02 still, to be discussed yet. The string changes to the translations should be only changes of the app name, no other string changes done in the last weeks: * &ksokoban; -> &skladnik; * ksokoban -> skladnik * KSokoban -> Skladnik etc. :) Cheers Friedrich PS: Yes, this is finally the continuation of last year's https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-i18n-doc/2022-August/001090.html