Abella added a comment.

In T13514#237943, @yurchor wrote:
In T13514#237939, @clel wrote:
In T13514#237909, @clel wrote:

Alright. Then I don't really understand what problems you have with Weblate. The things you wrote are too general for me to understand what the concrete problems are that you experience.

Sure. Just one thing that I do not understand is that people who do not really understand how the translation system works eagerly want to change that system.

When you write "Sure", I expect some more insights :) You wrote about problems you had but did not really give much detail about them. You talk about Weblate being much slower than offline tools while not mentioning which parts of the workflow you are talking about (admin stuff, translation itself, downloading and uploading PO files?).

All of them. There is no need for offline administration, translating every string through web interface is several times longer even in the zen mode, "downloading" new strings through Subversion then found what to translate in Lokalize takes ~5 seconds, analyzing big projects (Fedora is smaller than KDE now) in Weblate takes minutes. Uploading big files (libguestfs and its man, libvirt, Weblate docs, etc.) literally takes up to 10 minutes for just one file. I can imagine how long it would be to upload KStars, Krita and its docs (the last update required several dozens of files to be uploaded, the translation itself contains several hundred files), RKWard, KMyMoney or LabPlot.

Hi, I am Catalan translator in multiple projects on Transifex (SubSurface, MKVToolNix, etc.) and if it were not for the fact that they are relatively small, I can download the translation as a PO file, etc. I would have thought to start.

I am only translator and time spent is much more.
Only advantages: the translation is done and makes it easier to find translations for other projects (more visibility).


To: Abella
Cc: Abella, yurchor, zerg, clel, xyquadrat, woltherav, subins2000, huftis, rempt, kamathraghavendra, thiagosueto, Localization, dkazakov, nalvarez, aacid, pino, ltoscano, aspotashev, fbampaloukas, sdepiets, skadinna, pshinjo