Op dinsdag 11 augustus 2020 21:20:35 CEST schreef Koos Pol: > Op 11-08-2020 om 19:15 schreef Freek de Kruijf: > > In Systemsettings (Systeeminstellingen) under Personal Settings > > (Persoonlijke instellingen) you find Regional Settings (Regionale > > instellingen). Click on it. In the left column you find Formats > > (Formaten), click on it. Activate Detailed Settings (Gedetaileerde > > instellingen). Behind Time: (Tijd:) you can select another setting i.e. C > > which is Posix or something that fulfils your needs. > > > > These setting are for the specific user of that account. So maybe you need > > a user for KMyMoney and another user for your other work if it conflicts. > Yes, I know these settings. But C is awkward in that it gives me the > short written month variant. As in "1 Jan 2021". > I agree I now have a 4 digit year, but it's far from ideal when entering > dates. > I've already looked at the list of available locales. There over *600* > time settings available. It hurts my head to think that I have to > inspect that list to see if I can find a format usable for financial > reporting. > > Cheers, > Koos You can also invoke kmymoney with a specific environment variable set at another value than the default for your language. The one that comes to my mind is LC_TIME. You can put a .desktop file for kmymoney in your Desktop folder and insert "LC_TIME= " right after "Exec=" in that .desktop file. I suggest you experiment with a few locale specifications. -- vr.gr. vertaler van KDE Freek de Kruijf