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huftis added a comment.

In D22069#526284, @ngraham wrote:

I actually don't know how to properly install other language stuff. When I add French in the languages KCM, I suffer from

What is the correct way to install the language?

I think this problem is just because you have installed a new version of ki18n (*). I get it too (also when compiling and installing versions of ki18n *before* the patch), so I guess the applications (or some libraries they depend on) have to be recompiled after updating ki18n.

R249 KI18n


To: ngraham, Localization, Frameworks, broulik, aacid
Cc: dfaure, aacid, huftis, safaalfulaij, mikeroyal, aspotashev, ilic, kde-frameworks-devel, broulik, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns