El divendres, 27 d?abril de 2018, a les 0:07:42 CEST, Luigi Toscano va escriure: > Hi all, > we were discussing about that file few days ago, and there are some updates. > > David Edmundson (thanks!) just pushed a new script that extracts and the > process a proper gettext file for plasma-browser-extension (which will be > finally released with Plasma 5.13). This means that you will need to redo > the translation, but hopefully it's for the good and it's not going to > change again. > > Please note that, while we tested the script a bit, we will see the first > real results in few hours, after the next scripty run which is going to > start soon. You may expect some issues tomorrow - or maybe everything will > work bug free > :) Let's see. It seems all these changes worked fine. Thanks! > > Sorry for the inconvenience. > > Ciao